Hey! It’s been a week! Neat!
Largely I’ve been working on the Breaditor, making it so you dont need to have existing assets to start a new project
look at my Breaditor time log wow that’s a lot of work

I also got CI/CD working for Breaditor and ported it to a modern Electron version and also Typescript. It’s not, by any means, fully converted to typescript, but there are pieces that are and the way forward is open!

So yeah, that’s all neat. Once I’m done with this “new map” workflow, I’m going to add one more feature (image-file watching so if you edit your tileset’s base image in an editor (like photoshop) it auto-refreshes it into Breaditor. That should provide a fully serviceable workflow for new users to start with!
After I add that, my focus with Breaditor will be bugfixing if people report bugs, but mainly getting to version 2.1, with a much sexier dockable tabbed panel interface.
(Oh yeah and I should work more on Sully.)