@bengrue said in Sully: A Very Serious RPG:
It didn’t! How about this screenshot of Mt Jujube’s exterior, art by Hyptosis!
@bengrue said in Sully: A Very Serious RPG:
It didn’t! How about this screenshot of Mt Jujube’s exterior, art by Hyptosis!
Things I’ve done in the last week for [SullyRpg.com](link url)
Oh, and Gruedorf’s back. 2021 Forum Lyfe!!!1
This week’s update is a little less spectacular. I’ve done a bit, but I’m going to try and keep my GRUEDORFING to Sully-only for the time being.
Things I’ve done:
So, you ask, what delightful things did YOU work on in the last seven days, “McGRUE”. If that IS your real name.
Can you feel… the love?
Did you know you can update for gruedorf MORE REGULARLY than once every 7 days?!
It’s true. Every valid entry just resets the counter to seven days from itself!
…anyways, here’s today’s valid entry!
I’ve worked on the Dungeon of Love’s Dance Studio setting up a lot of polish before the penultimate encounter.
** Probably more polish than is needed but whatever
I’ve also reworked the entire logging system so instead of just printing debug statements caveman-style to the console I can send them AAaaanywhere. (But for now they’re just going to the console.)
** Also I named this Logger “CaptainsLog()”. Because of the whole marine theme.
…see you within the next seven days!
Today’s update (slightly late, I got plenty done in the past seven days, I just had Keto Superfog Brain last night…)
The post-Big-Daddy-Bubba-Fight scene has it’s first pass! This is one of my favorite scenes in the game, Tons of editing and scripting need to be done to make it more dynamic than 300 raw lines of exposition, but progress is progress!
A peak:
(Weird formatting note: Bubba’s text needs two spaces at the front of line 1 of any box and one space at the front of line 3 of any box to avoid the overwhelming power of his hat and shawl.)
I replaced hardcoded Portrait definitions with data-driven ones that were actively reloaded while in debug mode upon map reload!
And that’s it for Sully Stuff that I can talk about!
A week late and a weak post, but I got SOME work done:
Still plodding through the input menu stuff; just got a new xbox controller so I can test the XNA builtins and Overkill pointed me at some more generic controller code that’ll just, you know, work with generic gamepads?
Otherwise I’ve got it so bound keys now legitimately unbind! Yay! Now I need to make sure you can’t ever unbind the last keyboard binding for something, and… do the gamepad unbinding, and binding for both (have the if/else’s set up for it all, but it’s a lot of edge cases I… need to add more if/elses for!)
Oh and then I need to add loading and saving of all of this.
28 Days later…
1: Been preoccupied by my day job; I decided to quit it to start focusing on Breadbros full time!
Today was my last day at the day job!
In the past week I got the Plugin System loading resources from the APPDATA folder, and then started the dockable branch of breaditor to enable a UI overhaul to allow Great Things.
An actual Sully Update: been plugging away on getting public windows, linux, and OSX demos out for Sully!
Also… I was on two panels at PAX over the weekend!
Of minor import:
Got vrpg back up again. What a precious little baby this site is (if I upgrade mongodb it gets sad. sigh)
Of way cooler import: we’re getting more animations into the game! Woo. Check it out:
Of major import:
I’m on two panels at PAX this coming weekend:
…and as such I’m working VERY hard to get the Linux Demo for Sully up before then so I can do a public demo release
Let’s see if it happens
@bengrue Today’s gruedorf…
…getting vrpg back up, once again
Did y’all know running a business is work?
This past week I’ve:
and… I’m sure I’m missing so many other things!
And wow I need to start listening to my monday calendar even to post here
…wtf how did a new thread get made I am bad at internet
New post here:
Hm, what have I been doing that’s public?
I made a neat electron app for my desktop tray so I add passive and active functionality real quick to my desktop system
Like, it’s got a webserver that listens to my local network and can play sounds into my real-life earholes. This was very useful because I wanted to hear when my VMs hit breakpoints or builds failed and stuff like that (because I’m VERY dependent on audio triggers)
I even added a 1980’s style voice synth so it could say in a very Stephen Hawking Way “LINUX BUILD FAILED”
https://github.com/mcgrue/tray-platform <- if you’re curious
monitor taht auto-spawns your electron windows (if the proper variables are set) to the dimensions specified. This was mainly because I wanted my development workflow to always auto-open the chromium developers console, and put it in a separate location from the appI really like optimizing my workflow
So. That’s neat… But it was only a day of all this:
It’s kinda impressive I can be so consistent because I was badly ill for three of those weeks, but I do love what I’m working on
The Dorf of Gruedorf has been far more consistent with his updates, and you should go follow him over at https://mastodon.gamedev.place/@shamuspeveril/111994370166230122
You can also join the Breadbros Discord and come to the #gruedorf channel if you’re so inclined!
Wrote the first draft of the first-ever Breadbros newsletter post!
(Should be coming out early next week after Ustor gives notes/feedback)
Started posting videos on video sites…